Tips About Horse Books Tips

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How can i learn about jumping?

Learning the Jumps

Jumping is not as effortless as a lot of great riders make it look. If you want your horse to be a good jumper, you've got to put in the time. A couple times a week of training isn't going to turn your horse into a champion. So, if you want to do well in competitions, dedicate yourself and get down to business.

First things first, you should have a disciplined exercise regimen that not only takes your horse through the basic jumps but also challenges the horse. You and your horse must get used to each other and establish a kind of communication—this isn't a one man or one horse show, it's a team effort.

If you're lost about where to get started with jumping, ask around about recommendations for a good instructor. Hands-on instruction is one of the most effective ways to improve your riding. Additionally, it's smart to read some horse books specifically on jumping. These types of books can get you in the know about jumping exercises that every horse and rider duo should know. And, for experienced jumpers, these types of books can offer fresh perspectives that can give you that extra boost you to the top of your game.

How can I tell if horse has a dental problem?

Horse Dental Care

If your horse is constantly tossing his head, moving stiffly in a certain direction, riding unsteadily, or bending his neck you probably have a problem on your hands. Some horses exhibit these behaviors as a form of defiance. However, all of these behaviors are common actions of a horse suffering from some kind of dental ailment. You may need to get to the root of the problem—the horse's mouth. In addition, watch to see if he is dropping his feed (this is also a sign of a tooth-related problem).

If teeth have recently become pointed and are stabbing into the animal's cheek he may respond by performing any of the aforementioned actions. A horse's immediate reaction to the pain is to move his head in a manner that prevents the teeth from cutting into the now painful area of his mouth.

Pick up one of the many horse care books on teeth that are available to help guide you through the prevention, care, and treatment of dental problems.

What kind of riding book should I get for my child?

Briding Books for the Kiddies

Whether your child is just beginning to ride, or is already a champion in the ring, there are countless horse books available geared toward teaching kids the various aspects of equestrian life.

If your child is brand new to the world of riding, think about getting books that cover general horse care and grooming as well as a book or two that cover the riding basics. These types of books will help your child on the right track as far as maintenance and riding is concerned. Make sure that the child understands that having a horse is a responsibility, not a game. If your child has never ridden before, don't rely on books alone to give instruction. Read through some books with your child before enrolling in lessons with a qualified instructor.

If your child is a little more advanced, select books that focus on specifics like difficulty landing jumps or struggling to trot in place during competitions. Whatever the problem is, there's sure to be book with a step-by-step solution.

How can I calm a spooked horse?

Densensitizing a Spooked Horse

There are few things scarier than a spooked horse—especially if you're riding it! Most riders have probably heard that frightened “whinnie” and experienced that moment of helplessness when a horse goes out of control. Want to know a secret? Stay calm. Working yourself up is only going to make the animal more afraid. Instead of crying out or tugging, keep your cool.

The best way to take control of the situation is to redirect the animal's attention from whatever frightened them. Turn the horse right, then walk forward a few steps, and turn left, then make back up. As soon as the horse calms down, pet and encourage him in a calm voice.

If you want more assistance in teaching your horse confidence and obedience, pick up one of the many books available online or at a bookstore. These types of books will teach you how to desensitize your horse to avoid panic in most situations.

How can i teach my horse dressage?

Getting Dressage Down

Dressage may be the foundation of riding, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Events involved with dressage are quite complicated and take practice and discipline to learn and perform. If you're interested in learning the ropes of dressage, you should sign up for lessons through an instructor. In addition, you should read up on some dressage training books to help you get a better idea of what is in store for you and your horse.

When you first begin dressage you will need to build a bond with your horse. It is a partnership based on trust and understanding and you will need to establish these things before you work successfully together as one. Then, you will need to put focus on gaits, movements, and establishing a general training regimen. It is not an easy process but it can be a rewarding one. As with most things, you will only get what you put into it.

How can I learn about cutting?

The Cutting Edge

Quarter horses will typically be good cutting horses but Appaloosas, Morgan and Arabians are also known to work well. A cutting horse should not have a height of more than 15.1 hands.

During a cutting event, two holders will be next to the fence of the arena (one on either side) to help prevent your cow from rejoining the herd. Depend on at least two riders on horseback to assist in turning the cow if he attempts to flee from you. You will need to move your horse through the herd and separate one cow from the rest. Then you must control the cow and prevent it from returning to the pack. It's possible to cut three cows in the duration of your two and a half minutes. You must hold the reins in one hand and keep your other hand on the saddle horn.

Once you've isolated a cow from the rest, you can't guide your horse with the reins—the reins have to stay down on his neck. Instead, rely on the strength in your legs to direct your animal. It is also crucial that you hold on tight as cutting horses are fast and nimble—you don't want to end up left in the dust! The judges will score contestants in accordance to their ability to maintain good positioning with the cow.

*If you're interested in learning more about cutting or anything else about horse training, look into some good videos or books. You can learn the basics in the privacy of your own home before trying it out with your horse.

HWhat does it take to own a horse

The Prices You'll Pay...

Having a horse sounds like fun, doesn't it? Can't you just picture the leisurely Sunday trail rides? What about those exciting lessons? Regardless of how much you desire a horse, and how much “fun” you think it might be, there are many serious things to take into consideration. This is not an investment to dive into blindly. If you do the math you may be shocked at how expensive owning a horse really is. The average per year cost of owning a horse run close to $12,000. These numbers are inclusive of clothes costs, boarding costs, farrier fees, veterinary fees, riding expenses, equipment, medical insurance, etc.

Medical care and boarding are obviously your biggest expenses. There are other things, however, to consider. Will you require lessons? If so, those can get pretty pricey. Also, do you plan on competing with your horse? If you intend to buy quality tack for competitions, a saddle alone can cost you several thousand dollars.

Aside from the financial expenses, owning a horse takes a lot of time and dedication as well. A horse needs to be groomed, exercised and trained. Do you have the time to do this? Before you buy a horse on a whim it's a good idea to pick up some horse books on ownership and care. These books can walk you through exactly what it takes to be a horse owner.

How can I diagnose my horse myself?

Heal Your Horse Yourself?

We can't control when our animals get sick but we can control how we handle the situation. Generally, a horse owner will have a regular veterinarian that tends to their horse but calling a veterinarian isn't always convenient—or affordable. Horses can suffer from a variety of illnesses and diseases that are actually easily remedied or even prevented.

There are great horse care books available that walk you through the process of administering remedies and medications. In addition, they can get you up to speed on cutting-edge remedies that you may not have known about. Best of all, they can help you decide when you should call your veterinarian and when you can handle the problem yourself.

In addition to books, there are also books available that can help you identify the different ailments and illnesses that affect your (much like a “Physician's Reference”). Just because you can identify an illness, however, does not mean that you don't have to call the vet. If a condition appears serious, it probably is—don't wait until it is too late.

How can I stop my horse from biting?

Bad Horse!

Horse behavioral problems are serious and should be nipped in the bud. Horses are large animals and, if unruly, can be overwhelming or even dangerous. For this reason, it is essential that you show your horse who's the boss right away—don't allow any nasty behaviors!

A common behavioral problem that horses have is biting. Biting is serious and it hurts. To alleviate this situation, shout “No!” firmly when the horse makes a move to nip at you and tug at the lead rope. Have your elbow raised for the block in case he tries again. Or, hold up your fist so that when he swings around to nip at you he will hit his mouth on you knuckles (this won't injure him). Try to train the horse to do something that doesn't allow for biting when he tries to nip you.

If your horse has behavior problems, it's a good idea to get to the root of them. There are many fantastic horse training books that can help you break your horse of any horrendous habits that he might have picked up. Additionally, these books can help you to better understand what might be provoking his actions.

What can I get out of an Al Dunning video?


Let's face it, reining can be arduous. Perfecting the art of fast and slow circles, run downs and stops, rollbacks and backing is grueling and teaching these skills is even more laborious. There is hope. Al Dunning has a video, “Advanced Reining Techniques,” the third video in his series on Western training and reining (the other two videos are “Reining Fundamentals” and “The Progressive Steps on Foundation”).

In these videos, Dunning goes into great detail and walks the viewers through each step. Additionally, Dunning explains the process of changing from two hands to one, switching headgear and offers some helpful explanations on solving problem maneuvers.

At the completion of the series, Dunning offers a demonstration reining pattern and gives details on the thought process involved in performing each step. Aside from performance issues, Dunning also goes into detail about the importance of sportsmanship, horsemanship, as well as the psychology involved with showing and competing.

The videos don't promise any miracle solutions or offer answers to industry secrets. Instead, they walk you through the processes and teach you how to perform each step. These videos are detailed and comprehensive.

*These videos are designed to help the future competitive reining horse, however, they can be very useful to anyone concerned with western disciplines who desires agility, obedience, and athleticism in their equine.

What should I do about a lazy horse?

Lazy Horse

Is your horse doing more loafing than trotting? If your once active horse has become a lazy horse, you may have a problem. Your first instinct may be to re-train him but don't jump the gun. Before making an effort to alleviate the situation yourself, you should make sure that it is a behavioral problem rather than a health issue. If you even have the slightest hunch that your horse may be ill you should consult a veterinarian immediately and have him perform an evaluation of the animal. If the vet finds that the problem is not health related you probably have a horse with an attitude problem.

Start by putting the horse through a lot of conditioning drills (roll-backs, counter cantering, trotting, half-passes, driving up into the bridle, turns on both the hind end and forehand, counter bending, etc.). You may find that your horses reluctance was due to boredom—this will help with that. In addition, it will improve his overall shape.

Don't let your horse get away with new behavior problems! If your horse is displaying reluctance or aggressiveness, it's best to address the situation before it goes any farther. Talk to an experienced trainer or coach and seek advice. It's also a good idea to pick up a few books about horse training that can give you guidance.

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