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Your Backpack on a Trail Ride Away From Home, should include the following (these items can be shared by all that are in the group, or left in the Trailer):
Gauze/Telfa Bandages
Leg Wrap & a Stable Bandage
Hoof Pick w/Brush
Ziplock of Poultice Paste (dry)
Absorbine Brace in a Spray Applicator (diluted/mixed)Easy Boot
Wire Cutters
Knife (that is sharp enuf to cut thru leather)
Toilette Towels (Wet Ones)
Clean Towels
Eye Ointment
Bute or Banamine paste
Betadine Scrub
Cotton Sheeting
Surgical Gloves
Large Syringe
Qt. Container of Water
Antibiotic Cream or Biozide Cream/Gel
Cell Phone
Power Bars
Large Ziplock Bag of Alfalfa Cubes
Stop Watch or Watch
Extra Halters & Lead Shanks
Extra Stirrups & Reins
Happy Trails To YOU!