Reactions To Fear In Horses

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Reactions To Fear In Horses

Many breeds of horses react very differently to a scare, threatening confrontation, situation, or object. Therefore, how you handle the recovery of that fear, will have a greater impact on them, depending on their nature, responses, past experiences, and often their breed as well.

Usually Hot Bloods need to see, smell, touch and completely investigate before accepting that you have said that it is okay. Remember while they are going through this process to stay calm, relaxed and completely unaffected by the element.

Warm Bloods and Cold Bloods on the other hand, are usually better off being completely distracted from the element of fear. Either repeat a half halt on the free and clear side, or stear completely clear of the element of fear.

Unfortunately we all must learn a certain degree from trial & error, and unless you have a coach or a previous owner, or trainer to ask, you will have to see the easist route for your horse to overcome, and come to grips with his fears/threats.



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