February 7, 2003, Newsletter Issue #111: February, Hunter Tips.

Tip of the Week

In The Hunter Classes, you are being Judged on your Horse, and You, as a Rider in both of your and your horses` Performances. This is not only you, and not only your horse being judged, but both of you are being evaluated in all Hunter Classes.

The Rider`s Position, both on the flat and over fences, the Rider`s Horsemanship or Control; the Horse`s Conformation, and the Horse`s Form are all taken into consideration in the Judging of the Hunter Classes.

Why then do you see so many Riders endlessly cantering or lungeing their horse before a Hunter Class, so that the energy of the horse has been exausted to be at a manageable level while in the ring, and the horse`s energy has become consistant and dependable. How this is achieved in the Ring will be our discussion next week.

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