October 3, 2003, Newsletter Issue #145: Property & Pasture Management

Tip of the Week

Around the first of November, is when most people remove horses from the Pastures of their properties. This ensures that the restoration process for the following year will be satisfactory and you will have pasture on which they can graze next year.

In removing all horses from the Pasture and/or Hay areas, give the area a week or two to rest before beginning the restoration processes that we will discuss throughout the month of October, in order to restore the pasture and hay areas to lush and quanititive for grazing next Spring.

All Horses are to be removed, and to no longer be turned out for any reason from this time forward on grazing areas; as continual turnout will damage the current years` growth, roots and the ground itself will become "pitted" and difficult to cultivate for next years` growth. Tho` you can be sure that your horse`s will tell you differently~!~!

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