October 11, 2002, Newsletter Issue #94: Developing The Rider

Tip of the Week

To determine the suppleness of your Body for horseback riding, can you bend your body without hurting? If you have any tension or difficulty, first make sure that you are not needing to see a Chiropractor or your Physician. Then, begin stretching exercises at least three times per week. Flexibility of the limbs provides major protection during any fall. The suppleness of the body will provide you the Rider with "give". On any impact, well conditioned tissues yield with temporary lengthening rather than tearing or breaking. Stretching exercises should be done slowly, and with proper breathing and NO Bounce. Cindy Crawford has an excellent video on Stretching and matt exercises, as well as aerobic exercises that you can do along with the video, or on your own.

To determine your coordination, can you orchestrate right leg pressure along with applying weight in your left seat bone, or a right indirect rein aid and a left direct rein aid, all at the same time?

In all SPORTS, it is required that the Athlete (Rider) must have a harmonious function from the brain, reflexes, into all areas of the body that require utilization. The more complex the movements, the more time this development will take to cultivate. To get out there and RIDE, is the best way to become a good and a coordinated Rider, sorry to have to use a cliche. To help develop the muscle tone and strength and balance however, swimming, biking and exercising or dance classes will only assist in your physical development, never will these extra exercises hinder your Riding Development.

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