November 28, 2008, Newsletter Issue #304: Finishing Points For The Horse

Tip of the Week

If English or Western helps to have a nice quality bridle.
All buckles attached evenly and at the same place on the bridle on both sides.
Bit polished and shiny.
Bridle clean, neat and not repaired.
Horse brushed to a shine, with no traces of any stain in white or colored areas, or tangles in mane or tail or forelock.
Banged tail.
Braids even and uniform.
Tail Braid thin and neat and half way down the dock(if applicable for Discipline Shown in).
All Bands are even and uniform and the same color.
Hooves freshly & lightly sanded, then hoof polished.
Neatly trimmed and recently shod.
Whiskers on the muzzle trimmed off.
Outside edges of the ears trimmed to smooth and even.
Inside of the ear thinned or clipped for a neat and clean look.
Face oil lightly applied around the eye and nostrils and lips.
A show sheen helps as a final spray on the body coat.
All white areas, BRIGHT WHITE!

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